Q: Who Prints & fulfills orders from cooltruckgirlshit.com?

A: We use Printful to print & fulfill our orders. 

Q: How long does it take to ship my order?

A: It usually takes 2-5 business days for your items to be processed & shipped. 

Q: Are there any refunds or exchanges?

A: No unfortunately since this is a print on-demand service, we are unable to issue refunds or exchanges.  Please double check your sizes.  

Q: I made a mistake with my order that I just placed. What should I do? 

A: If you enter something incorrectly when you place your order, notify us via contact form or via email at christina@gymnasticsattitude.com right away. We may be able to edit your order before Printful processes & prints your items. This is not guaranteed but we will do our best to fix any errors. 

Q: What if my item is damaged when I receive it?

A: Printful has a quality control process however, if you receive damaged items, please send us a photo of the damaged item along with your name & order number within 30 days of your purchase to christina@gymnasticsattitude.com . We can submit a request to Printful to print the same item, color, design & size. 


Q: Do you have social media accounts?

A: Yes we do. We have a Facebook page along with an Instagram & TikTok account. All these accounts are linked at the bottom of each page of our website. We encourage you to tag us in your merch!